SEDI-ATI has designed high voltage fiber-optic cables that meet the high voltage environment constraints. Indeed, insulation on several levels is required.
Production of high-voltage-resistant optical fiber patchcords
Optical fiber is particularly suited to high-voltage environments because of its immunity to interference, its electrical safety and its ability to transmit data over long distances without loss.

- 200 μm core diameter MM step-index fibers;
- ST/PC connectors in nickel plate or stainless-steel;
- Spectral range: 800 to 1510 nm;
- Sealing fiber/connector: epoxy;
- Qualification at 35 kV DC, with discharge current < 10 pC (after 96 h under 95 % humidity);
- 2 KV over 20 mm distance;
- Increase up to 5 kV for 60 sec.;
- Bespoke configurations available.
We offer qualified* special cables for high-voltage applications in complex or extreme environments.
The assembly is carried out in accordance with the specifications of the high-voltage environment, and the materials used to construct these cords depend on the environment:
- non-conductive ETFE coating,
- insulated polymer sheath,
- ST/PC connector in nickel or stainless steel.
The high-voltage patchcord accepts MM step-index optical fibers and is available from 1 to 40 meters long.
SEDI-ATI offers a variety of anti-reflective coatings. Please contact us for available options.
Thanks to this reinforced insulation, the fiber can be used in industrial environments, near high-voltage lines, or in electrical infrastructures where data transmission must be reliable, fast and free from interference.
Unlike conventional metal cables, optical fibers are non-conductive, making them even more suitable for these contexts.
However, choosing the right coating is crucial to maximise the benefits and properties of the optical fiber, while protecting it from the threats of the application environment.
*High Voltage qualification: 35 kV DC, with discharge current < 10 pC (after 96 h under 95 % humidity). 2 KV over 20 mm distance and increase up to 5 kV for 60 sec., without increase of discharge current.
Case studies
In-line monitoring of glass bottle thickness
SEDI-ATI supplies a set of high-directivity couplers and ruggedized fiber patchcords for in-line thickness control of glass bottles.
ITER: Multichannel hermetic fiber-optic connector HERMOPTIC®
SEDI-ATI took part in the ITER project by producing a multi-channel base based on hermetic optical fibers for use in radiative and cryogenic environments.
CO2M: Measuring Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere
SEDI-ATI took part in the project by supplying specific patchcords, fiber-optic bundles, and feedthroughs with our FCXtreme® connector, a compact FC connector for defense and aerospace applications.
Inspect: online and remote dosimetry for inspecting nuclear equipment
SEDI-ATI took part in the INSPECT project by supplying a bundle of 16-channel optical fibers for instrumentation to measure the level of radioactivity in nuclear equipments.
Data security through optical encryption
SEDI-ATI designs strong and reliable fiber-based solutions that are involved in current data security techniques through optical encryption.
Scintillating fiber dosimeter for radiology
SEDI-ATI designs scintillating fiber optic probes for dosimeter applications applied to radiology.
Real-time detection of contaminants in drinking water using scintillating fibers
SEDI-ATI has developed a bundle of scintillating plastic optical fibers to do real-time detection of nuclear contaminants in drinking water.
ANTARES telescope’s optical fibers allow to detect neutrinos from the depths of the abyss
SEDI-ATI has equipped the Antares neutrino telescope with a network of hermetic optical fibers.
WEAVE: the multi-fiber spectrograph new generation that will unravel great mysteries of the Universe
SEDI-ATI has participated in the design of the LIFU and one MOS by the design, the setting up of manufacturing processes and the assembly of fibered sets.
GIRAFFE : the VLT multi-fiber spectrograph revealing the birth of galaxies
SEDI-ATI is specialized in complex assemblies of a high number of fibers for large instruments.